An online archive of work from Croydon residents to capture life in Croydon post 23rd March 2020. Lockdown has impacted our lives and we want to collect these experiences and document them on our Instagram. Be it a photo, drawing, painting or poem, we are calling for you to submit your work to share with us here on Croydon Shared.…
BLM PROTEST – Parliament Square, London
Ink and felt tip on paper
The unity felt at this protest was beautiful. The media will paint another picture, as always. Divide and fool. It’s on us to stay connected, seek our own truth and trust each other more.
Ink and felt tip on paper
In 1680, Edward Colston, became a member of the Royal African Company, which had held the monopoly in England on trading along the west coast of Africa in gold, silver, ivory and slaves from 1662.…
“Who am I? Where do I come from? How do I a non-European relate to European society I find myself living in but do not belong to? How do I react to it’s assumptions of white superiority?” – RASHEED ARAEEN
I came across Karachi born, London based artist Rasheed Araeen and his work last year after exploring the wider spectrum of British Art.…
Before the art thing, clothing was my focus, and The Hundreds was one of the brands I really connected with, mainly due to Bobby Hundreds (co-founder) way to connect to audiences through his storytelling / community driven focus. It’s been inspiring to see an independent brand, with no outside capital invested, go from strength to strength, and has managed to stay relevant through the ‘People Over Product’ philosophy 16 years later.…