Categories: Stay Sharp


LOO ROLL_Giclee Canvas, PiNS Artist@2020

The mad thing is,
You don’t even need a lot,
To live a lot,
Just the basics,
A sense of self,
No fake shit,
But let’s face it,
Power corrupts,
In the wrong hands,
People divide,
Part of the plans,
To eliminate love,
Amongst us people,
Rich vs poor,
It aint ever equal,
But united we stay,
Together we march,
Don’t waste your loo roll,
On THEIR greedy ass!

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David Hammons, Snowballs

“Doing things in the street is more powerful than art I think. Because art has gotten so…I don’t know what the fuck art is about now. It doesn’t do anything, like Malcolm X said, it’s like Novocaine. It used to wake you up but now it puts you to sleep. I think that art now is putting people to sleep. Theres so much of it around in this town that it doesn’t mean anything.…

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NO FACE LIKE PHONE Exhibition, PINS Artist, London

To contribute your ‘Uniqueness’ is to enrich society with your flavor, your freshness, your thoughts, your talents, to which people may not like or agree with, but it’s your expression, your way of life. People can be so wired into a ‘Sense Of Sameness’ (SOS), when something or someone ‘Different’ comes along, they either disregard it as some sort of gimmick, or creates a sense of envy or jealously, like ‘wish I came up with that’, or simply ‘You don’t fit in to Our zone’, regardless of talent or whatever social status, OR they want you around to tick a box in their social circle, the ‘token’ box.…

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Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, British Indian Suffragette 3

Recently been reading more and more about the Suffragettes movement and how it all came about, and I was fascinated to discover that Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, the daughter of the last Maharaja of the Sikh Empire in Punjab and his Christian missionary German/Ethiopian wife, was a prominent figure who pioneered the cause of women’s rights in Britain.

Realising this, being a British Sikh myself born and bred here in London, this prompted me to delve deeper into her unique story which was unbeknown to me all these years.…

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