Found my old Blackberry 8700 the other day and thought I’d revamp it a little, by turning it into an actual blackberry!
View post →Found my old Blackberry 8700 the other day and thought I’d revamp it a little, by turning it into an actual blackberry!
View post →A swing at a bus stop…nice and random.
By Bruno Taylor.
View post →Blow up balloons, not bombs!
By German artist Hans Hemmert
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Just recieved the Sneaker Freaker Glow in the Dark edition, apparently limited, liking the cover. Sits nicely next to my Yeezy’s, which, can i just say, have not met the grimey pavements just yet and will not for a good while!
View post →I reached the Turning Point Festival aka The Big Munch Up! I brought down some tees, ‘the kicks’ and Krispy Kremes dropped down 15 boxes of original glazed donuts via helicopter…I had my very own Krispy Gal (Alex) attracting the people as they went buy….(ps. on the lookout for Krispy Gals for future events, so if 110% KRISPY, just fill out the enquiry form in ‘CONTACT’ section and explain why you would be suitable in 50 words or less)
My latest Nike Dunks, made of nylon, over comfortable, sweet colourway and the creases de-crease themselves…feels like a jacket on your foot!…
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