Was in New York last March for work bits, then arrived back in London with pintentions of going back there, then lockdown happened…sending love and strength to my US fam, connect soon 🙂
View post →Was in New York last March for work bits, then arrived back in London with pintentions of going back there, then lockdown happened…sending love and strength to my US fam, connect soon 🙂
View post →So, I finally reached NY with my cousin and have to say it was an eye opener…from the outset getting in the cab and driving to our hotel near Times Sq was a madness…the driving was crazy!… I have a new found appreciation for London driving…the way they drive up in NY is WOAHH!, you know them ones when you get out the airport, get into the taxi and experience the driving for the first time, straight crazy, its like the cars are bigger fair enough, but does that mean you need to bump into each other??, and the horning is wayyyy over the top…so much so, you get fined $350 in some areas for doing it too much lol….…
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