I was commissioned by the National Archives UK to create a series of illustrations responding to refugee stories for Refugee Week 2020 – the whole process moved me, as it made me think of how it must’ve been for my family during Partition.
“The aim of this year’s programme is to share information about the reality of the refugee experience. The Partition of British India, which led to one of the largest mass migrations in history, contains countless stories and is a fitting way to speak to this experience.…
So was reading my monthly dose of Vice Magazine, when I came across a competition alongside G-SHOCK to design some artwork inspired by the watch and its toughness, and here it is…
Playing on the notion of the watch being tough, but tasty at the same time, I brought my ‘donuttyness’ to the illustration and managed to get the ‘1st Runner Up’ place in the comp…missing out on the £1000 cash prize…tough luck!…
Salvador Dali is one of my favourite artists of all time, this clip shows most of his surreal bits on another level, which Disney have managed to put together in the form of an animation, complete with music, which is jarring but the concept and image manipulation is over serious!