Big up the lively creative bunch down Sussex Downs College, Eastbourne, who participated in my ‘Plan It, Project It!’ Workshop, about what to think about when planning a project in their local community…we kicked off with some group brainstorming, then touched on key areas such as objectives, budgeting, branding, promotion and engagement…some serious doodle action went down too!

This was part of a NCS (National Citizens Service) initiative which helps 16/17yr olds build skills for work and life, whilst taking on new challenges and meeting new friends. It was organised by the ever so lovely Bobbi Byrne, Programme Coordinator, and delivered alongside Kay, Candice and Shacks, these guys seriously know how to make work fun!

Special shout out to Danny (aspiring super sik creative), who won the logo comp, and mentioned he had been officially ‘Pinspired’ that day via these cool Facebook stylee posters they had to fill out towards the end of the session…
Until next time guys! 🙂