Regenerate works with young people and families in Roehampton and estates across London, helping transform and communities from the inside out.
‘Mouthy Club’ – Acrylic, enamel and Swarovski crystal on canvas, managed to raise £1850 thanks to Paul Flatt, who also owns ‘Doughputt’ from two years ago, lucky chap!…
It was simply a matter of time…either I create my own doughnuts or link up with a doughnuts company who create the best doughnuts in the world with a personality to match…hello Dum Dum Doughnuts!
Literally met Paul Hurley, owner of DDD, a month or so ago, when I needed some custom doughnuts for Crepe City, he came through with some insanely delishhh options and I placed my sneaker art on some edible paper, POW!…