Head screwed on,
But life can hit you,
New challenges,
To get through,
Whatever they are,
Look how far,
You’ve come,
A blessed soul,
With loads more to give,
Take time,
Unscrew a little & live,
Day by day,
Bit by bit,
You’ll get through,
Embrace the sh*t
The mad thing is,
You don’t even need a lot,
To live a lot,
Just the basics,
A sense of self,
No fake shit,
But let’s face it,
Power corrupts,
In the wrong hands,
People divide,
Part of the plans,
To eliminate love,
Amongst us people,
Rich vs poor,
It aint ever equal,
But united we stay,
Together we march,
Don’t waste your loo roll,
On THEIR greedy ass!…