My youth work period kicked off back in 2006-ish when I got employed to run art based workshops in schools, then youth clubs, then community centres etc. I remember my first ever school gig & thought how easy it was to connect with the students through my art, they just got it, in a non-text book way. Since then, I’ve constantly used my art to connect the often most challenged / the most hard to reach individuals, resulting in some super rewarding moments over the years…

Recently I worked in partnership with Croydon Youth Service (YJS) with some young people to help realise an artwork  as part of a Reparation Project during the summer. 

Through a series of art based sessions at the Turnaround Centre, these sessions explored observation, design & various application techniques, from concept to final artwork. The Road To Growth artwork shares a unique perspective by young people through contemplative thought & exploring what their own journey may look like towards a brighter future. 

*Artwork currently on display in Reception area @ Turnaround Centre, Croydon

*Thankyou to the young people involved for simply showing up & putting the effort in – it’s never easy opening up in a space when you’re going through some real life shiz & you’re trying to be creative…sometimes it’s a release, sometimes it’s the longest thing – hopefully I planted a seed 🌱 

“We often blame people

For acting the way they do

When it’s about trying to understand

What they’ve been through

Art helped me &

Hope it does for you”


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