Nice to have one of my artworks ‘Leopard Sprint’ in the Art UK online national collection, which contains over 220,000 digitised paintings by over 40,000 artists. It’s basically an initiative to show artworks that are in public ownership & to help global audiences access art online for free.
Some back story:
Back in 2012, I was part of the BT Art of Sport initiative to celebrate the London 2012 games. It was a series of exhibitions dotted around the country where I exhibited some Olympic inspired artworks with other well established artists, including the great Jeremy Houghton.
I exhibited ‘Leopard Sprint’ at Lewis Elton Gallery which was situated on the University of Surrey campus. At the time, it was my first piece I was super proud of as it managed to fuse my mixed media approach it a totally fresh way, using my actual Nike Air Max’s for 3D effect. I remember that feeling when Jo Baker (collections officer at the time), mentioned she’d like to purchase the piece for the University’s personal collection – I was like ‘Rah, this, me, that money? Okkkk’ For someone who never planned on becoming an artist, it was at that point where I thought maybe I am an artist after all, just never knew I was. Embrace it. Own it. Carry on…I thought.
Anyway, last time I checked, the piece is hung up high in the gym at the Uni, so have a nose / flex it, if ever down that way.