PIND: A Portrait Of A Village In Rural Punjab / Hark1karan

My talented photographer friend Hark1karan has a book out > PIND: A Portrait Of A Village In Rural Punjab – 4yrs in the making. The book aims to show everyday life in Punjab, India as a reference point for Punjabi culture through a human lens. The book contains 130 photos over 192 pages.
‘PIND’ – means village in Punjabi. Hark made three dedicated trips mixed with over 30 years of observation of life in the village through his photographs. The photo-book shows a specific culture, rooted in a village called Bir Kalan, in the district of Sangrur, Malwa. Hark in a sense bridges the gap through his photography for those who couldn’t visit or simply didn’t have any connecting ties left to the motherland. The photographs give the people of his village a voice and a face. This book is for those seeking home.
After making a trip myself back to the villages in Punjab after 25 years last December, I realized how much I was disconnected from my roots, and had this crazy urge to re-connect with them. Knowing Hark and his passion for what he does, inspires me constantly, pushing me to explore my own journey back to the motherland.
Happy to say I produced a sketch of one of his shots from the village, entitled “Khana Paka” – means ‘Food is ready’ – part of a limited edition artists postcard series – 30 sets available / 100 of each postcard.
This book was self-published & self-funded by Hark himself, and shot on 35mm film. The book is available to purchase at