It’s crazy how you can watch someone on film, you’ve never met them in person, yet they can touch you with their Art in a mad way. I’ve been watching films with Irrfan in them for years but never really acknowledged his greatness until I got older and started to really ‘look / feel’ the content / delivery in things. I came across the film ‘The Lunchbox’ which a friend recommended to me at the start of the year, and which I’ve now watched a good number of times, consequently becoming one of my fave films ever. It’s one of those films that’s so simple yet you connect with the deepness of the characters, where Irrfan and his co-star Nimrat Kaur deliver. Another great one is The Warrior which I haven’t watched yet, but will do soon…🙏🏽
“It’s not length of life, it’s depth of life” IK