I recently had the sweet pleasure of working alongside a good friend of mine who needed a brand identity / logo for her Supper Club ‘Ramen & Sazeracs’, a fusion of diverse flavours and vibes, at the Darjeeling Express Restaurant in Kingly Court, the heart of Carnaby Street.
The overall project came together from a shared love for great food & vibes by Dianna (the friend), but also through the collective talents of people we knew personally, allowing each person to shine in their field. I was able to provide a Pinteractive experience through my #TechAbreakMate campaign, which is basically a creative intervention getting people off their phones and into full colouring zones, in between meals & moments. So I produced some bespoke R&S illustrative A5 prints, felt tip vibes courtesey of Poundland and away we went…the guests loved it, along with the food of course!
Shout out to Georgina on the Menu illustration, Daniel on the hosting & consulting vibes, Asma for the space & all the collective energies who made it down…until the next one…Manchester, apparently, our Dianna’s from up North you see, plus I sold my first ever painting up there to British Telecom back in 2012, roots mate!
Ps. There are no gate keepers anymore…we have the power to create our OWN platforms and shape cultures through likeminded energies & talents, so no more excuses…GET. SHIT. DONE…collectively! 🙂
Photo Credit: Csy Lsy Photography