So my first ever independent, solo exhibition with no gallery backing, in a rented gallery space (oh the irony) cos we needed proper lighting / fixtures etc…have to say, it went rather well…
Intro >>>>
#NoFaceLikePhone is PINS’ first independently organised exhibition, and responds to the contemporary social phenomenon of ‘nomophobia’, the fear of being without a mobile phone.
Multi-disciplinary artist PINS was inspired following an experience with a friend who rapidly and relentlessly posted photos on social media throughout dinner. It is his belief that most people today will be able to identify with this experience.
Featuring a new body of work developed over the past two years, #NoFaceLikePhone presents social commentary on our devotion to our phones delivered through PINS’ unique visual language. The artist both entertains and highlights the real issue of nomophobia through his characteristic use of consumerist iconography, vivid colour, humour and wordplay, whilst questioning how real our social experiences and connections are when our attention is so divided.
Alongside the lighter, humorous commentary, PINS hopes his first independent show examines some of the more serious underlying issues of mobile phone addiction. Studies have suggested that mobile phone dependency and addiction to social media sites can cause panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and body image complexities.
With the aim to open up a much needed dialogue about these issues, #NoFaceLikePhone hopes to raise the question: “Do our mobile phones really offer progress, or are they in fact ‘pro-stress’?”

I can honestly say this was by far my biggest personal investment of time, energy and finances, but totally feel it had to be done and not answering to someone about what we can and couldn’t do felt sooooo good, straight own terms!
It was important to show a full range of work including the mirrored installation piece which most thought was part of the actual space but was totally custom fitted along with the front vinyl graphics with mirrored back to make the whole space seem elongated, and reflect the artworks to enhance the self reflection vibe.
I guess I got tired of seeing dead-out art exhibitions in London with no real vibe, same kinds of people, not much execution of space, and just wanted to take ownership of a space to give the viewer more of an experience as they entered.
The biggest driver of the whole thing was yes an urge to speak out about mobile phones and how they’re disconnecting us from each other and promote healthy usage, but also more as a statement as an independent artist pursuing a vision. Trying to make work which has direct impact with the people, all kinds of people regardless of gender / class / background, that’s why I was super happy to see such a broad range of young & old, diverse groups of people coming in and seeing the work, having real conversations about real issues, interacting with the work in a way which I’ve never seen before at past shows.
I remember going to the Alexander McQueen show at the V&A and the Ai Wei Wei show at the Royal Academy, both shows WOWed the pants off me, and always thought one day, when I have that crazy budget, i’ll do something on that level, that POW factor as you walk in, loaded with meaning, giving people that real s**t, something to think about and question, otherwsie what’s the point…guess you could say #NFLP is the birth of that bigger thing…
To sum up, with crazy passion and a strong core belief, anything is possible, it’s just sticking it out and having good people around you to realise / support the vision….
Mum (Food/Love/Everything), Bro & Amy (Support/Love), Ants (Support/Love), Sonia (Support/Love), Sara (PR/Strategy) Karen (PR/Socials/Strategy), Ola (Wording/Curation/Sales), Big D (PINS rep/Sales), Genius (Wing Man), Stuart (Wing Man), Sophie (Hostess), Susannah (Wording), Jiggy Jay (Mixologist) Tito (Framing/Fittings), Ollie/Dan (Fittings), Willow Graphics (Printing), Dwain (Graphics) Rin Tin (Grime Mix), Jack Agency (Poster campaign), Digital Singh (Video), Jean Bravo (Photography), Raj (Van), Robin Lycka (3Dscann), Suzi & Pauela (Sculpture), Jahmal (Tailoring), Jonathon (Prints), Karina & Becky (Space Hire), and all those who made it down and those who supported via Socials, BIG LOVE!
Will be uploading all the work featured into the ART section soon enough, along with video of launch and a 3D scan of space coming up 🙂
Until the next one…