Going home from a long stint in my London studio, I get on the tube from Moorgate Station and noticed a rather fancy and distinct looking woman get on with me…of course it was the one and only Dame Vivienne Westwood, course it was…
No one else clocked it was her, so whizzed over and said hello, and if I could get a picture with her to which she was super cool about…thanks to Marianna sitting opposite with her boyfriend for taking the shot!
After having a good ol 25min chat with her (totally oblivious to everyone else on the carriage), discussing my admiration for what she does, my art / fashion background and how she paved the way for fashion today through her pioneering and rebellious ways, I couldn’t help but be inspired by her energy and sharpness when she talked in-depthly about certain topics, one of which included her active campaign against Capitalism, more of which can be found on her dedicated site wwww.climaterevolution.co.uk > GO SUPPORT!
So totally in awe as you can imagine (not many people can awe me, trust) but just her drive to get s**t done, her fighting spirit totally rubbed off on me once we departed, as well some valuable advice she gave being an artist n all…
Thankyou for being straight up lovely Vivienne! 🙂