I went to Nass Fest and all the people bought was my Krispy t-shirts…
The night before started as per usual packing up my bits including some sweet customs, this time round some Krispy glasses and my donut skateboard…

Meet PIN HEAD, his role was to just kotch on the table and allow passer-bys to guess how many safety pins in the head…guess right and you win a tee!

Presentation is key…It was pouring all over the weekend non-stop and was slightly difficult to maintain all that freshness of product in them damp and dutty conditions, but managed to sail through it…whatever the weather!

I had a bit of a skank, moved my feet a little, but decided it was too damn pongy in that place, armpits flying everywhere, so blew out early to my tent…
Not too sure about the chinese food, tasted a bit dodge…
The Goliath ramp was pretty big and one of the main attractions, and thought I’d get brave and give it ago on my donut skateboard but unfortunately sprained my ankle the day before and remained safe on the ground…
Sweet boy in the making…
Aliens in dresses???? Now thats donuts!!!
Overall NASS was BIG in the game, even if it was pooping it down all weekend!
Now blowing out to get some proper food, doing all these blog entries makes you nuff hungry…
Ps. Got some fresh bits coming through, so keep well posted like Royal Mail…