Love racquet sports. Dad used to play squash back in the day. I was more into tennis & remember hitting up the concrete court at Wandle Park, Croydon back in school days, before a skate park replaced it there now. We lived close by so I’d whizz over with a mate or two, sometimes by myself & play whoever was about. I loved those days – no phones, 25p Panda pop, Snickers, playing until it got dark. I remember playing this one dude who was a professional tennis coach & was new to the area. The way my game stepped up after playing him was beyond what I’d expected & realised in order to level up in anything, you have to be around or play against someone better than you. It pushed me. We’d play almost every other day until one day he had to leave for whatever reason, and I went back to playing basic Joes. Realising my passion for the sport was clearly evident, dad took me to enquire about joining a local tennis club. I remember seeing lots of young people playing & tennis coaches around in big indoor courts. I instantly felt to play. I’m not too sure why we didn’t join up, think money for the membership was an issue or something, but just remember I really wanted to join, even though I didn’t see anyone like me out there, I just wanted to play…
Fast fwd to now, and I’ve moved to another area with courts near by. I often wonder where I’d be if I’d joined that club back in the days, if money weren’t a thing, if we felt a sense of easier access, if I had that extra push etc – potential being met early & nurtured as it should – PiNS at Wimbledon…*Life