Seeing as it is ‘that’ time of the month where everyones splashing out on cool pressies for themselves and dodgy ones for others (like them dodgy jumpers your nan knits you every year :/), I thought it was only right to sort out my peeps with some sweet deals this Sunday at Upmarket, Brick Lane…


1. Stall No. 31 (on ground floor)
2. Bring jokes (I have none)
3. Bring a good xmas spirit (I have some)
4. Bring iD… (As i told you, bad jokes!)
5. Bring your wallets (Obviously)

Date: 11/12/11

Time: 10am-6pm

*First 5 visitors who mention the PIN CODE: 54321WIZZYWOW get a free t-shirt and other cool bits, including my NEW batch of stickers, they freshhhhh 🙂


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