I went to Berlin for the Art, streetwear and kicks…and boi did it deliver with a cherry on top!

Each morning started off with Museli and Nutella Latte’s…

I knew the Street Art scene was big out there, but was mad overwhelmed at the sheer scale of it, im talking near enough every surface was covered in either artwork, posters, stickers or cool installations…was practically hard to spot a clean, untouched surface…the posters were layered over the old ones, so imagine how thick they’d appear after several coverings, so thick you could use them as a punchbag…the East Side Gallery was quite a sight too…

The transport via the S-Bahn / U-Bahn was kinda easy to use and whipped around the city with ease, thought it would have been more complex…

If you didn’t already know, Dali is one of my fav artists of all time and imagine my surprise when I found out that he had a permanent exhibit which showed several of his original works from sketches, paintings, sculpture and video…I was all over it! From viewing his works, it showcased Dali’s mad skill as a painter, illustrator and branding genius…I was in the exhibit for near enough 3 hours!

My fav craft shop…

Went to the world’s first sticker art museum, yep, they have a museum for stickers, called Hatch, put together by owner Oli Baudach…defo something different and pretty cool to see stickers represented on an art type platform…

Dunkin Donuts was big out there as Krispy Kreme’s is over here, but after scoffing down a box full, have to say KKreme’s wins on taste and overall flavour, but Dunkin wins on the coloured icing…

Aint really a pork man, so didnt touch the famous Curry Wurst etc, but did find a boom Chicken spot called Huhnerhaus, where you get a roasted half chicken with chips for 3.75 Euros…when I tell you, this was quite possibly the best chicken I’ve ever had in my young adult life…crispy, tasty and kinda healthy, what more can you ask for in a munch…hit this up almost everyday…they even had their own wet wipes which were larger than the one’s in KFC, so weren’t a thing getting stuck in n messy!

I was on the lookout for some fresh AM1’s and was looking to go to Dusseldorf for a day n hit up Afew store (glow in the dark sneaker store) but cos of the last minute dot com flex, the train ticket costs were at some bump prices and thought i’d allow it, and reach there a next time…

The amount of streetwear and sneaker stores they have over there is ALOT! Overkill was my fav store which incorporated both Graffiti and Sneaker culture by selling an insane amount spray paint/markers/books, fresh kicks, deadstocks, streetwear from the likes of Stussy, Carhartt, Adidas, plus more and these really cool miniature models of kicks which I HAD to buy…this place was practically heaven minus the hot chicks…

Other cool stores included Big Brobot (Cool Toys, Arty books, Streetwear) Titus (Streetwear), Solebox (Footwear), STAB (Streetwear, Sneakers), Seleceted Store (Streetwear, Sneakers), Sneakerspot (Snekers)

Clever use of post-it notes…

The overall vibe was chilled, arty farty and random…

There were cycles all over the gaff, and you can hire one for around 10 euro’s a day n whip it around…they take cycling so seriously that half the pavement is a cycle lane, nearly got knocked down by cyclist’s on several occasions, so thought i’d step it up n get one…

Carrying a beer bottle in broad daylight is the norm, whereas if you do that here in London, your considered a ‘WASTEMAN’!

Some goodies…

Couldn’t leave without adding some donuttyness…