Alma Street Summer Fair…never heard of it until my mate Mel at Freespace invited me down to sell my wares in the ever so trendy Kentish Town…Organised by the lovely Nelly (not the rapper), this so-called street fair, turned out to be one serious street fest, ram jam with arty farty locals, families, ‘normal’ people, and nice lookin’ laydeez who enjoyed the vibes, live art, creative workshops, good food and skanked out hard to the live moosic! The only thing about doing pop-up stalls outdoors, the weather has to be on-point, so secretly done my little Sun skank beforehand, which worked, and the Sun was blazin’ all day long! On a random one, Mr Hudson turned up belting out some bangers on stage, turned out he has a yard in the endz, so he local, as was mos def vocal…that dude one OVER cool guy!

Some big ups…Big up to Ousaka for the help and who managed to knock out some serious live illustrative dopeness in the mean time n in-between time of us roasting in the sun and eating POW!! Carrot cake…Big up to my new customers, sweet meeting you guys…Big up my Krispy Kicks, who WOWed the crowd once again…And a final Big up to Sergeant Peter Ryan, possibly the coolest fed ive ever met…


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