Went along to the Tate Modern and the Royal Academy of Arts yesterday to see the current works on show.

Haven’t been to the Tate for a hot minute, so was defo an eye opener to see hundered of kids/familys/schools present and enjoying the creative atmosphere. The Tate’s known for its ground breaking contempory work as well as the most random ish you can ever think of, which apparently is ‘Art’, well I guess it is if you can assign a meaning to it, but do feel certain artists are taking the p**s nowadays!

Heres some of my fav works from the Tate…

Self Portrait, Andy Warhol

Blue Purple Tilt, Jenny Holzer

Giant 3 Way Plug, Claes Oldenburg

Untitled, Cy Twombly

Door/Door 2, Richard Artschwager (Dope surname…ART SWAGGER!)

Composition with Blue/Yellow/Red, Piet Mondrian

Untitled, Juliao Semento

Venus of the Rags, Michaelangelo Pistoletto

Small White Pebble Circles, Richard Long

WHAAM!, Roy Lichtenstein

Summertime, Jason Pollock

Wall Explosion 2, Roy Lichtenstein

Mirror On Canvas, Michael Baldwin/Mel Ramsden

Went to the ‘Modern British Sculpture’ exhibit at the the Royal Academy of Arts mainly to check out Damien Hirst’s ‘Lets eat outdoors today’… a perspex box in which thousands of flies go mad in an abandoned barbecue. The piece is divided in two with one side featuring maggots lying in trays on a barbecue while they slowly develop in to flies…lovely!

‘I was thinking about how we all avoid dirt, but we all ultimately go back into dirt”
Damien Hirst

At first, looking at it full on, it can be appear abit ‘errrrrrghhhhh’…but when you take it as a whole piece confined in a box, it just makes sense, to me any way…its like the box acts like a frame to a picture, confining the subject perfectly, it provokes opinion, shocks and makes you think ‘WTF’, but thats ART in a donutshell…guess its for an acquired taste though, typical Hirst!


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  1. Pingback: Pictures Of Tate Modern | cedricbelato

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