As the gaming industry is on the rise at some ridiculous rate, the world does seem gaming mad right now, I for one have no Playstation/XBOX/Wii etc etc, call me sad/boring etc etc, but them weapons of mass distraction are exactly that, distractions! Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate good technology and a good game, went through the whole shabang in my yoot days, SNES (Super Mario Kart all day long!)/MegaDrive/Spectrum/Atari etc…but as I got older and found my creative ‘talents’, I just felt to be more productive and not waste time…although the Wii is good to play with the family n get active with…guess I just love my iMac too much!

Game Frame is the first prescriptive explanation of what games mean to us, the human psychology behind their magnetic pull, and how we can use the lessons they teach as a framework to achieve our potential in business and beyond.

Aaron Dignan, author of the book, has hit the nail on the headpiece with this…a very current approach, and a much needed approach…

Buy the book HERE


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