B-b-b-bashy tune! Grime is what I like, and Wiley rips it on this one! The beat is over infectious…need to hear this drop in a club!! Have to give it to Wiley for knockin out the material..its like man hit 29/30, and BOOM! all over! No doubt, he was killing it from way bak from the Pay As You Go days, but has jumped on the commercial tip, its where the pees are, so why not! I’ve noticed that there is indeed a formula nowadays in more of the bangers coming out…electro beats, catchy lyrics and the DROP/Bassline! Tiao Cruz, Dizzee, Tinchy are all doing overly well with that formula, makes sense to stick with it…even Kano done a ting with Rocknroller, which is defo a skanka’s riddim!


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