Croydonians Exhibition, Museum Of Croydon 1

Mumzy came to see my face in the ‘Croydonians’ Exhibition at the Museum of Croydon – on until April 😍

One of my first ever portrait shots i’m actually happy with (normally hate them), taken by the talented Alfie Shillingford, the exhibition shows past & present faces of Croydon including composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, who’s musical career actually helped create the PRS for Music back in 1914 partly as consequence of the deliberations over Coleridge-Taylor’s finances when he died in 1912 🎼✊🏽

Other fellow Croydonians include: Kate Moss, Stormzy, Emily Blunt, Tracey Emin, David Lean, Philip Green, Vicky Pollard…the greatness is real, come to Croydon, ha

PS. take a selfie in front of my face, tag me & the Museum, and I’ll send you a PINSy oyster wallet FREE 😳💓


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