Hope you had a lovely Xmas and your bellies are packed out for the entire week…
Thought i’d share some images so far from the #NoFaceLikePhone exhibition currently on a DigitasLBi up in Brick Lane…
Have to say i’m appreciating the space even more as time goes on, I mean it oozes character, great mesh-like fencing, nice floor separation, the lighting could be a touch better but hey, it aint a gallery, and feel the main ‘chill out’ area with colour co-ordinated, moveable sofa blocks are mad comfy-ish…great for in-depth, mellowed to-the-max convos, which i’ve found enjoyable…
So the space will remain open to visit this week (normal working hours/times of 9am-5pm), closed over NY weekend, then back to normal from 3rd January til 22nd, i’ll be down every weekend 12-6pm from then too, so feel free to whizz over and say ello 🙂
Photo credit > Jean Bravo