Ain’t really done a photoshoot in ages, probably cos they can be kinda long…but when my exceptionally talented mate Courtney Philip (the next BIG thing, no joke, this guy going global, you read it here first) said he was doing a shoot with Britney Spear’s dancers and wondered if I wanted to knock out some krispy shots with them…thought why not!
Was hoping to meet a bevvy of beauties all fish-netted out n ting, even mapped out some pretty cool concepts beforehand, but they couldn’t make it cos of extended rehearsals…first initial thought ‘poooooop!’ But after meeting the two main dude dancers, Luke Broadlick and Sohey Sugiharathe, these guys were over cool and had mad energy…so brought out the krispy props and knocked out some fresh shots…pics coming up soonish!
Big up Courtney on the pics, the lovely Andrea on make-up, and the crazy talented Damien Morley for hooking up the studio!
Twitter ishhhhh…
@LukeBroadlick, @soheyheyhey, @CourtneyNP, @andrealouca, @damienmorley