As you guys know, im a huge fan of the Surrealist movement, and after reaching the Miro Exhibit, ‘The Ladder of Escape’, at the Tate recently, I have to say I was more than inspired…
Without knowing too much about Miro upon entering the exhibit, I was introduced to a vast body of his work showcasing his expressive style through bold use of colour, surreal elements, a playful nature and experimental drive throughout all his work…to think Miro continued to work more or less at the same rate in his 80s than in his 20s is crazy and mad inspiring…
“I understand that an artist is someone who, in the midst of other’s silence, uses his own voice to say something and who makes sure that what he says is not useless, but something that is useful to mankind”
Seriously, if you get the opportunity, make a trip to the Tate, the exhibition runs through till 11 September 2011…the body of work is ALOT!
Peep the vid for a brief background on Miro and all that he does…enjoy!