Went on abit of a arty farty trip up London yesterday, with the intention of visiting some art galleries and just generally getting some new found inspiration for my work…
Came across an exhibition at the Air Gallery up in Dover Street by artist Jeremy Houghton who has a thing for flamingos…Why flamingos?
“Because I have yet to find any other natural phenomenon which offers such a kaleidoscope of creative choices. When you see thousands of moving lines and shapes all blending together with their watery reflections and coalescing with the palette‘s entire spectrum, whilst simultaneously being transformed by the ever changing position of the sun, you have discovered the giant of ‘chameleons‘.”
…good answer! Like the fact that he’s chosen a subject matter which interests him and explored it further, creating an original viewpoint with depth and vibrant colour.
I actually didnt expect the artist of the work to actually be there, as in most cases when you go to these kind of exhibitions, there’s normally a part-time assistant to look after the work and simply greet people in etc, but Jeremy was there, and have to say, he one cool dude…
As im literally in the process of planning a solo exhibit myself (ooooops was gonna surprise you, oh well), it was a pleasure talking to Jeremy about how he started off in the game, and how he took his art and made it his business. The way he expressed himself through his work, you could tell this guy does what he does for the sheer love of it, but knows what works and knows how to sell it, like that!
Some words from Jeremy…
“The best advertisement you can get is your work hung on someone else’s wall”
The exhibtion is on at the Air Gallery until next week Wednesday, so if you about, pop in…or check out his work at