The little BIG Project

Yes, that is a custom toilet seat, customised by yours truly…For the past 1 1/2 months I’ve been working on a personal project commisioned by Arts Council to fully refurbish a community resource centre, where I am also a youth worker. The centre was literally falling to pieces, before I made the suggestion along with the support of local residents to revamp the place with some interior design and up-to-date installations. I successfully won the tender to go ahead and start the project. The refurb is now complete and will officially launch this coming Saturday, with a tee shirt workshop run by myself, wii tournament, music production run by my mate John, face painting and ‘watch a film, any film’ as long as its Grease! for the viewing residents. And of course there will be food, so will be getting them plates in from early! They Croydon Mayoress will be opening the centre, so may need to bring down that cheese for them important pics!
Official refurb pics of before/after coming soonish…